I have reached my 3rd day of being a blogger and so far so good, I have managed to get this post out to you on time and I have got tomorrow’s already to go.
So, what have I been up to? Friday wasn’t particularly exciting (apart from Enjoying Today going live), but I did manage to finish college at 12 rather than 5pm like I normally do because I got all my assignments done really quickly.
Saturday is where things get interesting. I have been pretty lonely since all my friends went off to University and I didn’t (if you want to know why I’m not at university see my about page), in fact not socialising much and not having the people I am used to around has put me on edge, leaving me very spaced out and anxious. But yesterday I went to visit my best friend, Abbie, at drama college. It had been almost a month since I’d seen her which is probably the longest we have been apart for so, as you can imagine, we were over the moon to be back together.
I decided as I was seeing her I would put the dieting, avoiding alcohol and having a good sleeping pattern to one side. To me being healthy is a lifestyle that you should enjoy, so you can let yourself have the odd day off if you are good the rest of the time.
At about 4pm we went out to get some food, we thought we would just get a ‘light bite’, then go home, have a little nap and get ready to go to the pub in the evening for a proper meal and some drinks. This did not happen. Instead we decided to go to the pub there and then. It was nachos to start followed by the biggest burger you have ever seen! It was a mixed grill burger which had bacon, egg, mushrooms, onion rings, sausages, chicken and a beef burger with chips and salad on the side (my apologises for not getting a picture, it was quite a sight when it came out). Needless to say neither of us finished them, in fact I barely made a dent in mine, but what we did eat was delicious!
When we got back we decided to sleep off the food. At about 9pm we had some vodkas and lemonade and laughed together. Before you tell me, I know staying in drinking on a Saturday night is pretty sad but we didn’t have much to drink and you can’t catch up in a night club. I fell asleep at about four in the morning but thanks to my regular sleeping pattern I woke up at 6:30am on the dot. Which leads me to here, typing away in the early hours of the morning waiting for Abbie to wake up.
I really think I needed this trip, seeing Abbie has brought me back down to earth and at the moment I feel far less anxious.
So what have I learnt this weekend?
• It’s okay to treat yourself as long as you can control it.
• Seeing your friends will always make you feel better.
Before I sign off I just wanted to mention that either this week or next week there will be an extra post on top of my regular ones. I’m going to submit a piece to the #Allaboutme link up party; make sure you keep up with me on bloglovin so you don’t miss that or any of my other posts.
Also in the comments tell me what’s the biggest plate off food you have encountered and how you treat yourself.
Claudia x
Songs of the week:
• Pretty much anything by Beyoncé, but particularly Love on top (mine and Abbie’s song)
• Walking with Elephants because everyone I have listened to it with loves it.
• Iron Sky- If you haven’t heard it, you have to YouTube it now, you’ll thank me.
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